
Sunday, January 13, 2013

All provincial capitals are on fire

All provincial capitals are on fire. Cant you see this 4th and 5th Generation wars ??
Even MQM/ANP demand that army should take over Karachi.
Now Hazaras are demanding that Quetta should be handed over to army.
Peshawar and NWFP is almost entirely protected by army already.
Now we fear a massive anarchy heading towards Islamabad also.
For how long army would wait, we cannot say. But when everyone else in provincial capitals can demand army to take over, then we can also demand army to take over Islamabad.
If army delays taking over, they will have such a mess that even an intervention later would not be able to recover the country — just as it happened in Yugoslavia.
That is our point — everyone knows within their hearts that political government and democracy has collapsed. Allah willing, Only army can save Pakistan now. Even the politicians, Supreme Court and the Election Commission knows that. They cannot even count votes in Karachi without army’s help!
Only the total idiots or the traitors can demand election in these times and say that only democracy can save the country. Allah does not give guidance to the deaf, dumb and the blind.
If this nation and its leaders are so blind that they cannot see that a horrible war is being waged within our cities and they still call for elections — with or without reforms — then these scenes will be in every city of Pakistan, every day, Naoozu Billah !!
Pakistan need a strong military backed government which should brutally eliminate the terrorists and the corrupt. The entire present political elite needs to be hanged from the lamp posts in Islamabad. But we would want the army to do this cleanup else there would be most horrendous anarchy if done through vigilante justice and street anarchy.

Army leadership still waits and watches the bloodshed and is under pressure from the media, judiciary and the political forces. Even Dr. TUQ is not inviting the army but only wants “reforms” for elections.
We are beyond reforms now. Either we destroy and eliminate the enemies or the enemies destroy us. Either they dig their graves or we dig our graves. No other option now.
Try attending a Jinaza like this and then you will know what it means to be in a war ! What it means to pray over your fallen friends who had fought alongside you in battles. The families of our sons and brothers in armed forces are doing this everyday — leaving behind thousands of orphans, widows and old grieving parents. This is a war our haramkhor politicians do not want to acknowledge. Elections in these times of war would mean more deaths, destruction and chaos. Then there will be no time for tauba, just punishments. Wake up now before it is too late.

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